Of course, business is about profit. However, it is a mistake to measure all your business decisions on pay-off criteria. Sometimes what pays off is not worth and something worthy may not pay off immediately. In fact, it has to do with the source of the idea.
Business life
What is more important in life – to play the game or to win?
Theoretically, every game or competition is about winning. Why theoretically? Imagine a football team that someone has guaranteed that every subsequent match will be won. It would soon turn out that the desire to play and the level of motivation of players would drop...
Heart coherence more effective than botox?
Recently, I have received many compliments regarding my skin condition, sparkling eyes, vitality, in short: I look better, younger and healthier than ever. My secret is not a set of vitamins, new creams or botox. What's more, the current time is very demanding for...
Why it is so important to maintain high energy level in life?
“Everything is energy and that's all there is. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Darryl Anka Since everything is energy - it is the same for...
Why do you act in a certain way or feel what you feel and how it is connected with a combination of energies inside you?
Did you know that in addition to the physical body we also have an energy body? Yes, beyond this we do have more bodies, e.g. ethereal or astral one, but in my experience it is the energy body that has the greatest impact on us and our lives. Depending on the...
The difference between understanding and being conscious.
My evolution and the people I have the pleasure to work with, I noticed two main stages of self-discovery. I understand - that is, I know. A very important step forward, because as long as something is unaware it guides us. Now I am aware of existing behaviors, it is...
Hearing yourself and listening to yourself. The coherence of the heart.
What is the difference between hearing yourself and listening to yourself ...? Let's start by explaining both of these concepts. Hearing yourself is hearing your inner voice, connecting with your intuition. Do you know that your intuition and all your emotional...
How to transform mistake in an experience?
„Ever Tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better”. Samuel Beckett Did you know that Sylvester Stallone was at over 300 auditions before getting a role in a movie? He heard „no” more than 300 times before he got his „yes”. There are...
Divisibility of attention
I liked to use this word a lot in the past. Whenever I focused on someone or something, but not on myself - I claimed that my attention is divisible because one does not exclude the other and I'm still focused on myself as well. However, it doesn't work that way. Do a...
How to approach the process of change in life?
We could compare the approach to the "process" of any type of growth to sympathy towards Madonna, which is either love or hate. Personally, I often observe that the self- discovery path often begins with two basic patterns: 1. We have a situation/problem - we...
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